Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunflower Meditation & Yoga Center

What is a Chakra Cleanse ANYWAY?

We are energy beings.
It is believed that our chakras are seven subtle bodies of energy that are placed starting at your tail bone working its way up to the crown of your head ( see above photo)
Each chakra tunes into a certain part of our existence. If a particular chakra is too open and spinning too fast, or too closed off and sluggish, spinning too slow you will feel yourself "OFF" in many ways.
 If your chakras are heavy it is time to tune into them and renew yourself. You cannot physically see your chakras as they are energy, but they are there!

Above shows the labels and brief phrase of what that particular chakra is attuned to.
Below is a more detailed description:

Root Chakra:  is your foundation and how grounded you are to YOU and your being.
Sacral Chakra:  is your sexuality and passion, your fertility and sense of sensual being.
Solar Plexus Chakra: attunes to your self worth and all you deserve as a being.
Heart Chakra: your ability to love yourself as well as others- unconditional love is found here.
Throat Chakra: is your awareness to communicate and speak YOUR truth.
Third eye or Brow Chakra: Your intuition is found here, your ability to see yourself and others in truth and kindness.
Crown Chakra: This chakra encompasses your entire being, Your "seed" of existence. Here you find understanding of who you are as a whole in this life as a spiritual and energy generating  being.

Now that you know what your chakras are, let me tell you how  we clean them and why they need to be cleansed from time to time.

Because we are energy beings these chakras can affect us in ways that we never realized. Example:
 When you are feeling a bit clingy or needy in your day- this is a sign that your solar plexus ( self worth) and root chakra ( foundation) need some attention.
For example, if you are feeling as though you are having trouble communicating- whatever it may be- this is a sign that your throat chakra ( communication- self truth) needs some of your time.
Being aware of your chakras and how they affect you is important to maintain a positive balance.
When your chakras are not well maintained they can also cause physical blockages and illness can occur.
Self awareness and acceptance is a huge aspect of happiness! 

During a Chakra Cleanse you lie on your back, warm and comfy in a bed, ready for deep relaxation. The use of a Tibetan Toning Bowl ( see image below) and positive mantras ( positive affirmations) allow me to work with your energy and replace any negative thoughts and energy with positive thoughts and healing vibrations from the toning bowl.
We work on each chakra one at a time, letting go of anything that does not serve you.  the session takes about 45 minutes, as you take your waking breathe back to this realm- you will surely be cleanse, balanced and renewed. 

The Tibetan Toning Bowl is believed to transfer positive vibrations to replace negative vibrations in our being. We are all energy and vibrations.

Here you find your calm.

Happiness is a state of mind, a way of acceptance of the world around you and the ability to cope with the idea that all things are  temporary. Your chakras are a direct link to your state of mind, your self awareness and your ability to accept what is around you. Take the time to love yourself and create your own happiness with me! 


regular price $35.00 

Book your appointment today!

Sunflower Meditation & Yoga Center

1 Forge Village Rd
Suite 2B
Groton Ma 01450

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